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Skip Tracing: How to Find Anyone, Anywhere

Did you know that nearly 2 million people were incarcerated in 2020? The majority of these individuals were offered the opportunity to post bail and be released from jail while awaiting trial. More often than not, bail bondsmen who work with incarcerated individuals encounter no issues.

Sometimes, though, the person for whom they post bail skips town. This can be a frustrating experience for a bondsman to deal with, but a process known as skip tracing can help resolve the situation. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about tracking down someone with this method.

So, What Is Skip Tracing?

Skip tracing is the process of finding someone who is missing or hiding. This can be done for a variety of reasons, but it is most commonly used by bail bondsmen to track down people who have skipped bail.

It is also used by debt collectors to find people who have defaulted on their debts, and by private investigators to find people who may be avoiding contact.

How Does Skip Tracing Work?

Skip tracing typically involves using a variety of resources to piece together information about a person’s whereabouts. However, they all share the same goal—finding the current location of the individual in question. From here, the next action will depend on the context of the situation (such as convincing this person to repay a debt).

What Are Some of the Most Common Methods of Skip Tracing?

There are a number of different methods that can be used for skip tracing. One of the most common includes pulling public records.

This can include things like criminal records, property records, and even phone records. By cross-referencing these records, it is often possible to find someone’s current address or place of employment. Another common method is to use social media.

This can be a great way to find someone, as many people list their location on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. This method can be especially useful if the person you are looking for is not particularly good at hiding their tracks.

You can also use a method known as door-to-door canvassing.

This involves going to the last known address of the person you are looking for and knocking on doors in the surrounding area. Often, someone in the neighborhood will have seen the person you are looking for or will know of their current whereabouts.

Is Skip Tracing Legal?

Yes, skip tracing is a legal process. However, it is important to note that there are a few restrictions on how this information can be used.

For example, debt collectors are not allowed to use skip tracing to harass or intimidate people. They are also not allowed to disclose personal information about the person they are looking for without their consent. Overall, skip tracing is a legal and effective way to find someone who is missing or hiding.

By using a variety of resources, it is often possible to track down the whereabouts of the person in question. However, it is important to use this information responsibly and to respect the privacy of the individual you are looking for.

Does Skip Tracing Come With Any Risks?

Yes, there are a few risks associated with skip tracing. One of the biggest is that you could end up disclosing personal information about the person you are looking for without their consent.

This could lead to them feeling harassed or intimidated, which is not something you want to do. Another risk is that you could end up trespassing on private property while you are looking for the person you are looking for.

This could lead to legal trouble, so it is important to be mindful of where you are and what you are doing while you are conducting your search.

Finally, it is important to remember that skip tracing is not an exact science. There is no guarantee that you will be able to find the person you are looking for, no matter how many resources you use. Sometimes, people are just good at hiding and there is no way to track them down.

Despite these risks, skip tracing can be a useful tool for finding someone who is missing or hiding. By using a variety of resources and exercising caution, it is often possible to find the person you are looking for.

However, it is important to keep the risks in mind and to use this information responsibly.

How Can I Improve My Skip Tracing Success Rate?

There are a few things you can do to improve your success rate when skip tracing. One of the most important is to use as many resources as possible.

As previously mentioned, these include public records, social media, and even door-to-door canvassing. The more information you have, the better your chances of finding the person you are looking for. It is also important to be patient and persistent.

Skip tracing can sometimes take a long time, so it is important to not give up if you don’t find the person you are looking for right away. If you keep at it, eventually you will likely find what you are looking for. So, don’t get discouraged if you are not successful right away.

Skip Tracing Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

Although skip tracing may seem difficult, it’s much easier than you might expect. Make sure that you consider the above information so you can avoid any obstacles you may have encountered.

Looking for other useful info that can help you in the future? Feel free to get in touch with us today to see what we can do.